07.02.2006, 18:30 Uhr
5. Treffen der Special Interest Group Eclipse
Vortrag zum Thema "Using the Eclipse Debugging Framework"
Vortrag : "Using the Eclipse Debugging Framework" mit Bjorn Freeman Benson:
"In this talk, we demonstrate how to use the Eclipse debugging framework to add debugger support to the Eclipse IDE. We use a small assembly language as our example, but the lessons and techniques apply to languages and applications of all complexities. This talk is based on papers published on the Eclipse.org website: "How to write an Eclipse debugger" and "Enhancing the Eclipse debugger".
Bjorn Freeman-Benson is the Director for Open Source Process at the Eclipse Foundation. He has worked for OTI, Amazon.com, Rational, and Gemstone, along with a career as a university professor. He has an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington, and is happy to talk at length about his passion for orienteering and/or his love of flying.
Eine Veranstaltung der Java User Group und der Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH.
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