20.11.2023, 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Opening of the Brazilian Indtech-Hub Germany

The Stuttgart Region welcomes Brazilian tech companies: A new hub for boundless innovation

The Stuttgart Region extends a warm welcome to Brazilian tech companies, celebrating the establishment of the Brazilian Indtech-Hub Germany at AI xpress in Böblingen – a milestone signifying a great step towards economic integration and collaboration between Brazil and the Stuttgart Region.

The Journey So Far

Seeing an opportunity for German manufacturing companies to benefit from the expertise of Brazilian industrial tech firms in their digital journey the idea for “BIG: Brazilian Indtechs in Germany”, with great support from the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin, was born.

During the course of the BIG initiative in summer 2023, a delegation of Brazilian companies was invited by the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS) to participate in the “Hi Tech! Startup Welcome Package”, an intensive on-site program, providing them with an up-close experience of the Stuttgart Region and the opportunity to forge connections with potential clients and innovation partners.

The location proved compelling, leading five companies to establish their presence in the Stuttgart Region – precisely within the innovation hotspot, AI xpress in Böblingen.

Celebrating Synergies

This event presents an excellent opportunity to celebrate intercultural exchange, to meet the representatives of these forward-thinking companies, forge valuable connections, and explore future collaboration possibilities. We look forward to your participation and an inspiring evening filled with engaging conversations and fresh perspectives.


The number of participants is limited. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required by 16th November via our booking system: wrs.region-stuttgart.de/brazilian-indtech-hub

Companies at Brazilian Indtech-Hub Germany

Digimet, HEDRO, Infinite Foundry, Melvin, Quality Storm.

Welcome by Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS)
Welcome by Claudio Goldbach for BIG Brazilian Indtechs in Germany 2023
Welcome by Johannes Martin Kärcher - Honorary Consul of Brazil in Stuttgart (to be confirmed)
Pitch Session Indtech Companies:
Infinite Foundry | Bruno Eisinger
HEDRO | Cassio Barbosa
Melvin | Eymard Barroso
Panel Discussion
Celebration, Exchange and Networking with Beverages and Snacks
AI xpress
Röhrer Weg 8
71032 Böblingen


Claudio Henrique Goldbach, BIG Creator, claudio@goldbach.me

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